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Glaucoma Awareness 2025

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss worldwide, with about 2.2 million Americans over the age of 40 diagnosed with the condition. Vision loss occurs because of damage to the optic nerve, usually as a result of elevated pressure inside the eye. It’s sometimes referred to as “The Silent Thief of Sight,” as it often progresses so slowly that patients aren’t aware anything is wrong until it’s too late.

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. It’s a chance to highlight the importance of early detection and new treatments for glaucoma. There is a lot of positive glaucoma news available, with data showing that early detection and laser treatment can prevent vision loss.

The Future of Glaucoma

The future of glaucoma has never been brighter for patients. New glaucoma treatments, increased knowledge about the disease, and improved glaucoma specialists have led to treatments that can prevent vision loss.

In the past, glaucoma was only detected when a patient started experiencing vision loss. Treatment started with medical eye drops. When that didn’t work, the next option was surgical therapy, such as micro-invasive glaucoma surgery, which places a stent into the patient’s eye drainage system. These surgical options are highly invasive, can be risky, and aren’t the best option for patients in the early stages of the disease.

Glaucoma specialists have recently started using a treatment called Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT). Dr. Inder Paul Singh of The Eye Centers of Racine and Kenosha describes SLT as “a beam of light that rejuvenates the drain to help your eye function better naturally.” This treatment is far less invasive than surgery and doesn’t have the discomfort that often comes with eye surgery. Additionally, SLT addresses the root cause of the disease rather than just treating symptoms like drops and surgery do.

Data clearly shows that SLT is much more effective than other treatment methods. It’s also repeatable, so if patients experience increased pressure again, they can return to this simple, five-minute procedure. Dr. Christrine Funke, a glaucoma specialist at Barnet Dulaney Perkins Eye Center, states, “The fact is it slows down the progression of the disease, and you’re less likely to have visual field loss, which means you are less likely to go towards blindness. We have a lot of evidence to prove that it is better. We want to do what is better for our patients.”

Early Detection for Glaucoma

Early detection is key to reducing vision problems caused by glaucoma. Early-stage interventions are generally more successful, and being aggressive early on is important. Therapies like SLT can work for patients with advanced glaucoma, but they’re best for conditions that aren’t too advanced. This is why glaucoma awareness and detection are so important.

As Dr. Funke explains, “Because glaucoma is a disease that someone may have but not know until their vision is severely affected, I am passionate about how to catch it and treat it early. Interventional glaucoma is imperative because the earlier we treat glaucoma, the better the long-term outcome for a patient’s vision.”

Today, with increased awareness and better methods for glaucoma testing, patients in their 30s are getting diagnosed and quickly treated to prevent vision loss. The best way to determine if you have glaucoma or are at risk of developing the disease is to visit your eye care professional for regular eye exams. Your doctor will assess your risk by taking your medical history and performing an eye exam.

In this exam, your doctor will give you some numbing drops so they can check your intraocular pressure (IOP), that is, the pressure inside your eye. They will likely test other aspects of your eye health as well, such as the quality of your vision and your field of vision. Your doctor will also take photographs and scans of the optic nerve to help determine if you have glaucoma or are at risk for glaucoma.

If your tests indicate that you may have your vision disrupted by glaucoma, you and your doctor can discuss whether the new treatments for glaucoma, such as SLT, are the right fit for you.


Find Detection and Treatment Options for Glaucoma Today

Glaucoma awareness is critical because over half of patients with glaucoma in the United States don’t know they have it. Once your sight is lost to glaucoma, you cannot get it back, making glaucoma early detection incredibly crucial. If diagnosed, new treatments like SLT can help you manage your condition and preserve your vision. Reach out to Vantage Eye Center to find a glaucoma specialist in California today.


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